
Tooth Whitening

Tooth whitening is a gentle, non-permanent way to improve the shade of your teeth by using a safe dental bleaching agent. Individual results vary and are based on your initial tooth colour and the nature of your tooth staining.

We offer a take-home whitening kit that includes custom-made thin plastic trays that fit over your top and bottom teeth. We supply you with the whitening gel and show you how to place this inside the trays. The trays are worn for two weeks, either a few hours per day or overnight. You then keep the trays so that you can maintain your new white smile with top up treatments!

You must be suitable for whitening, and this will be assessed by your dentist. Please note that existing restorations, such as fillings, crowns, veneers and dentures will not whiten.

Advantages of this treatment include:

  • Gentle treatment with minimal harm to your precious tooth enamel
  • Does not grossly dehydrate your teeth, compared to some in-surgery light-activated systems, which can stress precious tooth enamel
  • Subtle shade improvement gives a more natural appearance
  • The ability to stop treatment once the desired level of lightness has been achieved
  • You can keep your custom-fit trays for ever which helps to keep future costs down in top-ups rather than repeat treatments

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